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Leaving Peru from Desaguadero, by the Lake Titicaca, on my way to Bolivia. |
"Ir a Perú es, bueno, si alguna vez tiene la oportunidad de ir en su vida, usted debe hacerlo porque es absolutamente alucinante"
"Going to Peru is, well, if you ever have an opportunity in your life to go there, you should do it because it is absolutely mind boggling"
6. La cocina peruana.
Recién llegado a Lima, en mi lista de cosas que hacer, lo que deseaba con más ahínco era buscar un lugar donde pudiera probar el famoso ceviche, así que sin mucha demora, con mis tres amigos taiwaneses, encontré un lugar en los soportales de la céntrica plaza de San Martín: ¡la experiencia no pudo ser mejor! Los días siguientes, cierto es, llegué a probar una infinidad de platos diferentes, los que me conocen ya saben que no tengo reparo a la hora de comer lo más extravagante que se me ponga por delante, pero ya fuera para comer o para cenar, siempre caía un plato de ceviche. Me apasionaba.
El ceviche, de hecho, se ha convertido hoy día en patrimonio nacional y buque insignia de Perú y ya no es para nada raro encontrarlo en los menús de restaurantes internacionales. Pero muchos os preguntaréis ¿Qué demonios es el ceviche? Se trata de un plato elaborado a base de pescado crudo, macerado en jugo de cítricos o limón, con un montón de cebolla roja (cruda), ají (pimiento picante), pimienta y una pizca de sal, servido generalmente con un acompañamiento de batata o maíz. Existe una teoría bastante difundida de que se trata de un plato afrodisíaco, pero no fue la razón por la que no dejé de comerlo, mal pensados, de hecho me enteré de ese chascarrillo cuando me largué de Perú. Pero hace no muchos años, el ceviche era sólo un plato corriente que se podía degustar en los numerosos puestos callejeros que salpicaban las grandes ciudades de Perú. Las cevicheras, además, gratificaban a sus asiduos clientes con el caldo blanco que segregaba su preparación y que, generación tras generación, se usó como remedio contra la resaca. Con el tiempo ese caldo pasó a conocerse popularmente como la leche de tigre.
Aunque lo más impactante, por usar un vocablo sutil, de entre los platos que probé en Perú se encuentra el cuy (primera foto arriba a la izquierda), nada más y nada menos que una cobaya asada. Sí, así es, esos hamsters grandes que teníamos de mascotas en nuestra niñez. Con su carne suave y libre de grasa, unos la comparaban con la carne de pollo, otros decían que era algo más consistente. Yo sólo os puedo animar a que lo probéis y juzguéis por vosotros mismos.
¿Y para beber? ¡Pisco! El emblemático licor de uva, símbolo de la confrontación entre Chile y Perú, es un componente imprescindible de la impresionante gastronomía del país. ¿Pero es el pisco chileno o peruano? No pretendo que mi blog se convierta en un foro de conflicto, pero el aguardiente de uva se empezó a producir a finales del siglo XVI en la provincia de Pisco en Perú. Recientemente la Unión Europea certificó la protección y comercialización en el mercado comunitario de la Denominación de Origen Pisco, al determinar que el pisco es peruano. Su cocktail más popular es el Pisco Sour que se obtiene al mezclar en una coctelera el pisco con los hielos, el limón y el jarabe de goma o azúcar. Usando una licuadora se bate por un minuto y a continuación se añade la clara de huevo y dos o tres gotas de angostura, dando de nuevo un golpe de licuadora de unos segundos hasta obtener una capa de espuma de dos o tres dedos, pudiéndose, si se prefiere, acompañar con un toque de canela.
El refresco más comercial en Perú, en cambio, es la Inca Kola, una bebida gaseosa cuyo ingrediente principal es el aroma de la planta hierba luisa. La Inca Kola es una de las dos bebidas gaseosas en el mundo que, en su país de origen, superan holgadamente en ventas a Coca-Cola. La otra bebida es la escocesa Irn-Bru. Este largo liderazgo en el mercado peruano causó que, en 1999, Coca-Cola adquiriera por 300 millones de dólares el 49% de las acciones de la peruana Inca Kola, el sabor del Perú.
Peruvian cuisine.
Rated by prestigious chefs as one of the best in the world, we are certainly before one of the trendiest international cuisines: ceviche, olluquito with charki, chili chicken, guinea pig, the anticucho skewers and a wide variety of tropical fruits are just some of the dishes that form an amalgam of flavors whose paradigm is the fusion of flavors and the purest reflection of the exquisite blend of cultures and traditions. Peruvians even say that we could spend an entire year without repeating a single dish !
When I arrived in Lima, and on my list of to do things, what I badly wanted was to find a place where I could try the famous ceviche, so without delay I found a place in the the centric San Martin square. Together with my three Taiwanese friends, the experience could not be better. The following days, I got to try a myriad of different dishes, those who already know me know that I have no problem eating the weirdest and most extravagant food, but either for lunch or for dinner, I always ordered a plate of ceviche. I was passionate about it.
The ceviche, in fact, has now become national heritage and flagship of Peru and it's not at all unusual to find it in the menus of international restaurants. But many will wonder, what the hell is ceviche? It is a dish made of raw fish marinated in citrus juice or lemon with lots of red onion (raw), aji (hot pepper), pepper and a pinch of salt, usually served with a side of sweet potato or corn. It's thought that this is an aphrodisiac dish, but that was not the reason I did not stop eating it, why do you always have to think the worst of people! In fact I heard that joke when I left Peru. But many years ago ceviche was a simple dish that was found in the numerous stalls that were widespread in the biggest cities of Peru. The cevicheras, those who prepared the ceviche, used to gratify their regulars with the white broth segregated after the preparation and that, generation after generation, was used as a hangover remedy. Over time the broth became known popularly as leche de tigre (Tiger's milk).
But the most shocking, trying to be subtle, from the dishes I tried in Peru was cuy, nothing more and nothing less than a roasted guinea pig. Yes those animals that look like a big hamster and that we used to have as a pet in our childhood. With its soft, fat free meat; some even compare it to chicken meat, others say it is more consistent. I just I can encourage you to try and judge for yourselves.
What is there for drink? Pisco! This emblematic grape liquor, symbol of the confrontation between Chile and Peru, is an essential component of the country's outstanding cuisine. But is Pisco Chilean or Peruvian? I do not want my blog to become a forum of conflict, but the grape brandy was first produced in the late sixteenth century in the province of Pisco in Peru. Recently the European Union issued a Certification of Origin for its protection within the European Market, by determining that Pisco is originally Peruvian. Its most popular cocktail is the Pisco Sour whose basic formula is 3 parts pisco to 1 part simple syrup and 1 part lime juice. With that come egg white, and a sprinkle of Angostura bitters.
Peruvian cuisine.
Rated by prestigious chefs as one of the best in the world, we are certainly before one of the trendiest international cuisines: ceviche, olluquito with charki, chili chicken, guinea pig, the anticucho skewers and a wide variety of tropical fruits are just some of the dishes that form an amalgam of flavors whose paradigm is the fusion of flavors and the purest reflection of the exquisite blend of cultures and traditions. Peruvians even say that we could spend an entire year without repeating a single dish !
When I arrived in Lima, and on my list of to do things, what I badly wanted was to find a place where I could try the famous ceviche, so without delay I found a place in the the centric San Martin square. Together with my three Taiwanese friends, the experience could not be better. The following days, I got to try a myriad of different dishes, those who already know me know that I have no problem eating the weirdest and most extravagant food, but either for lunch or for dinner, I always ordered a plate of ceviche. I was passionate about it.
The ceviche, in fact, has now become national heritage and flagship of Peru and it's not at all unusual to find it in the menus of international restaurants. But many will wonder, what the hell is ceviche? It is a dish made of raw fish marinated in citrus juice or lemon with lots of red onion (raw), aji (hot pepper), pepper and a pinch of salt, usually served with a side of sweet potato or corn. It's thought that this is an aphrodisiac dish, but that was not the reason I did not stop eating it, why do you always have to think the worst of people! In fact I heard that joke when I left Peru. But many years ago ceviche was a simple dish that was found in the numerous stalls that were widespread in the biggest cities of Peru. The cevicheras, those who prepared the ceviche, used to gratify their regulars with the white broth segregated after the preparation and that, generation after generation, was used as a hangover remedy. Over time the broth became known popularly as leche de tigre (Tiger's milk).
But the most shocking, trying to be subtle, from the dishes I tried in Peru was cuy, nothing more and nothing less than a roasted guinea pig. Yes those animals that look like a big hamster and that we used to have as a pet in our childhood. With its soft, fat free meat; some even compare it to chicken meat, others say it is more consistent. I just I can encourage you to try and judge for yourselves.
What is there for drink? Pisco! This emblematic grape liquor, symbol of the confrontation between Chile and Peru, is an essential component of the country's outstanding cuisine. But is Pisco Chilean or Peruvian? I do not want my blog to become a forum of conflict, but the grape brandy was first produced in the late sixteenth century in the province of Pisco in Peru. Recently the European Union issued a Certification of Origin for its protection within the European Market, by determining that Pisco is originally Peruvian. Its most popular cocktail is the Pisco Sour whose basic formula is 3 parts pisco to 1 part simple syrup and 1 part lime juice. With that come egg white, and a sprinkle of Angostura bitters.
The more commercial drink in Peru, however, is the Inca Kola, a soft drink whose main ingredient is the scent of lemon verbena plant. The Inca Kola is one of the two soft drinks in the world that, in their country of origin surpass Coca- Cola in Sales. The other drink is the Scottish Irn-Bru. This long leadership made Coca-Cola acquire 49 % of the stakes of the Peruvian Inca Kola for $ 300 million.
7. Los peruanos.
Es complicado generalizar sobre un pueblo en tan solo dos semanas de recorrido por el país. Aunque sí que se puede hablar de las sensaciones que este pueblo te transmite. Los peruanos suelen ser tímidos y poco charlatanes, casi todos guardan siempre una distancia prudencial con el turista. Muchos sostienen que se trata de cuestiones geográficas y climáticas, y puede que lleven razón. Por mi experiencia podría dividir Sudamérica en 4 grandes zonas de personalidad: Costa Caribe (Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana y Surinam), Zona Andina (Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile Norte), Cono Sur ( Argentina, Paraguay, Chile Sur) y Brasil.
Chabuca Grande, la más virtuosa de las compositoras peruanas lo expresó de la siguiente manera:
"En el Perú somos una mayoría indígena, cuya característica es la elocuencia del silencio; y somos una mayoría negra cuya característica es la bondad, y el ritmo. No podemos olvidarnos de nuestros antiguos pobladores chinos, y nuestros actuales nisei. Todo eso conforma lo que se llamó bien el crisol de razas que conforma el Perú".
Los peruanos son además muy religiosos. Una oración en la escuela por la mañana es práctica obligatoria y la mayoría de las familias van a la iglesia regularmente, pero lo más importante es que los peruanos no dejan de ser latinos en el fondo, por lo que las salidas de fin de semana, los bailes y el alcohol son y siempre serán necesarios para establecer un equilibrio a su rutina.
Chabuca Grande, the most virtuous of Peruvian composers expressed as follows:
It is difficult to generalize about a people after touring the country for just two weeks, but we can definitely talk about the feelings and experiences with them. Peruvians are usually shy and not very talkative; most of them always keep a safe distance from the tourist. Some even say that it is because geographical and climate reasons and I agree. In my experience I could easily divide South America into 4 major areas of personality: Caribbean Coast (Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname), Andean Region (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Northern Chile), Southern Cone (Argentina, Paraguay, Southern Chile) and Brazil.
Chabuca Grande, the most virtuous of Peruvian composers expressed as follows:
"In Peru we are an indigenous majority, whose characteristic is the eloquence of silence. And we're a black majority whose characteristic is goodness and rhythms. We cannot forget our ancient Chinese settlers, and our current nisei. All these form what is known as the melting pot that makes up Peru."
Peruvians are also very religious. A school prayer is obligatory in the morning and most families go to church regularly, but the most important thing is that Peruvians, want it or not, are Latinos, so that weekends are there to dance, drink alcohol in order to balance their routine.
8. Arte sexual precolombino
El Museo Larco es un lugar de obligada visita en tu paso por Lima. En él se exponen la más prolífica y magnífica colección de arte precolombino. Aparte de la extensa recopilación de artilugios, joyas, coronas y adornos de oro, y de la interminable e impresionante muestrario de recipientes ceremoniales en cerámica con distintas formas humanas, pero principalmente logradísimas caras humanas; lo que más llama la atención al visitante es su colección "X", sólo apta para mayores de 18 años. En un edificio contiguo al principal, para evitar que las excursiones de niños armen un auténtico escándalo al ver lo que esta sala alberga, se encuentran los denominados "vasos eróticos" de los Mochica; una selección artística particular y única en el mundo. Científicos e investigadores han agotado numerosas hipótesis sin encontrar un verdadero nexo de unión entre los vasos y los ritos ancestrales existentes. La interpretación, por tanto, queda en cierta medida en nuestras manos.
En primer lugar, encontramos las representaciones eróticas naturales que servían como ofrendas tanto para permitir la fecundación como para evitar la concepción. Los artistas idearon imágenes del hombre y la mujer en distintas contorsiones copulativas. En segundo lugar, están las representaciones del erotismo religioso, con la esperanza y la idea de divinizar el amor como fuerza creadora del mundo. En tercer lugar se encuentran los vasos moralizadores que en un principio se pensó que eran simples esqueletos de difuntos entregados a los placeres sexuales, pero que posteriormente se descubrió que, en realidad, se trataba de demostrar no sólo como los excesos sexuales desintegran el cuerpo hasta lograr destruirlo, sino que anulan la voluntad y hunden por completo al hombre. Por último, los vasos humorísticos en los que expresaron todas sus ideas y picardía con representaciones de enormes y aberrantes genitales.
En un principio quise titular este apartado como arte erótico, pero me quedaría corto: estamos ante una de las más antiguas representaciones pornográficas de la historia.
The Larco Museum is a must see during your stay in Lima. It has the most prolific and magnificent collection of pre-Columbian art. Apart from the extensive collection of artifacts, jewelry, crowns and gold ornaments, and the endless and impressive display of ceremonial vessels in ceramics with different human forms, but mainly life-like human faces, what strikes the visitor attention is the "X" collection, only suitable for adults. In an annex to the main building, to prevent school field trips to make a scene, you can find the so called "erotic vessels" from the Mochicas, a particular and unique artistic selection in the world. Scientists and researchers have made a lot of assumptions without finding a real link between the vessels and ancient rituals. The interpretation, therefore, is in your hands.
In the first place, there are natural erotic representations, serving as offerings for both allowing fertilization and preventing conception. The artists devised images of men and women in various copulative contortions. Secondly, there are the representations of religious eroticism, with the hope and the idea of deifying love to portray it as a creative force in the world. In the third place there are the moralizing vessels that initially were thought to be dead skeletons surrendered to sexual pleasures, but later it was discovered that it was actually to demonstrate that sexual excesses not only disintegrate the body until its complete destruction, but also override the will and sink men in despair. Finally, we have the humorous vessels, expressing different ideas and craftiness with enormous and aberrant representations of genitalia.
Initially I had called this section as Peruvian erotic art, but I fell short: we are facing one of the oldest pornographic representations of history.
The Larco Museum is a must see during your stay in Lima. It has the most prolific and magnificent collection of pre-Columbian art. Apart from the extensive collection of artifacts, jewelry, crowns and gold ornaments, and the endless and impressive display of ceremonial vessels in ceramics with different human forms, but mainly life-like human faces, what strikes the visitor attention is the "X" collection, only suitable for adults. In an annex to the main building, to prevent school field trips to make a scene, you can find the so called "erotic vessels" from the Mochicas, a particular and unique artistic selection in the world. Scientists and researchers have made a lot of assumptions without finding a real link between the vessels and ancient rituals. The interpretation, therefore, is in your hands.
In the first place, there are natural erotic representations, serving as offerings for both allowing fertilization and preventing conception. The artists devised images of men and women in various copulative contortions. Secondly, there are the representations of religious eroticism, with the hope and the idea of deifying love to portray it as a creative force in the world. In the third place there are the moralizing vessels that initially were thought to be dead skeletons surrendered to sexual pleasures, but later it was discovered that it was actually to demonstrate that sexual excesses not only disintegrate the body until its complete destruction, but also override the will and sink men in despair. Finally, we have the humorous vessels, expressing different ideas and craftiness with enormous and aberrant representations of genitalia.
Initially I had called this section as Peruvian erotic art, but I fell short: we are facing one of the oldest pornographic representations of history.
9. Los incas
El Imperio Incaico representa uno de los legados más importantes en América, logrando abarcar un territorio de cerca de 5.000 kilómetros que iba desde Colombia hasta Chile, pasando por Cusco e incluso llegando a Argentina.
El clan incaico estaba jerarquizado. El inca era un jefe militar, político y religioso; tenía un carácter semidivino, pues era venerado como personificación del dios Sol. Su poder se basaba en una especie de absolutismo teocrático, a cambio de la obligación de sustentar a sus leales súbditos, el inca imponía a éstos el deber de trabajar en la construcción de obras de regadío, edificios públicos, puentes, túneles y una extensa red de carreteras.
Cuando Pizarro y los conquistadores españoles llegaron, el Imperio Incaico estaba en pleno auge, sin embargo, también se encontraba sumergido en una guerra civil que enfrentaba a Huáscar y Atahualpa por la sucesión. La derrota fue relativamente rápida y fácil, poco a poco el imperio fue decayendo y el control tan preciso que en su momento ejerció el Imperio Incaico se desarticuló hasta su desaparición. (En la foto central vemos el orden sucesorio de mando en el Perú: de Atahualpa a Carlos Quinto)
The Inca Empire is one of the most important legacies in America, after having covered a territory of about 5,000 kilometers stretching from Colombia to Chile passing through Cusco and even crossing to what is now Argentina.
The Inca clan was hierarchical. The Inca was a military, political and religious leader who had a semi-divine character as he was revered as the embodiment of the Sun God. His power was based on a kind of theocratic absolutism: an exchange of the obligation to provide sustenance to their loyal subjects, the Inca imposed on them the duty to work in the construction of irrigation works, public buildings, bridges, tunnels and an extensive network of roads.
When Pizarro and the Spanish conquerors arrived, the Inca Empire was booming, however, it was also immersed in a civil war that pitted Huascar and Atahualpa for succession. The defeat was relatively quick and easy, the empire gradually waned and the precise control that the Inca Empire once held was dismantled until its demise.
10. Más atracciones turísticas: Amazonas, Lago Titicaca, Pisco, Arequipa, Nazca, las llamas...
Si en los puntos anteriores todavía no te he convencido para que conozcas Perú, aquí te dejo otros lugares de excepcional interés turístico.
Uno de ellas es el recorrido por el límite fronterizo con Brasil, el Amazonas peruano es un lugar ideal para estar en contacto directo con la naturaleza, pescar pirañas o recorrer el Río Amazonas utilizando canoas. Es importante destacar que este Río es el más ancho, largo, caudaloso y profundo de todo el planeta y cumple un papel fundamental en el equilibrio del ecosistema del Amazonas.
Otra de las atracciones turísticas en Perú es Puno, donde se encuentra el Lago Titicaca. Ubicado a más de cuatro mil metros de altura, este lago es el que se encuentra a mayor altura en todo el mundo. Además, en medio del lago hay pequeñas islas habitadas por comunidades nativas que viven en perfecta armonía con la naturaleza.
Y que decir de Nazca y sus famosas líneas, lineas que sólo se pueden apreciar desde el aire y que forman lo que se conoce como el primer calendario astral de América.
Vayas dónde vayas, eso sí, las llamas posaran para una foto inolvidable.
¡Gracias por hacerme parte de la leyenda Perú!
And what to say about the Nazca lines, lines that can only be appreciated from the air and form what is known as the first American ephemeris.
If the above has not yet convinced you, here I show you other places of great tourist interest.
One of these is the Peruvian Amazon, a great place to be in direct contact with nature, do piranha fishing or touring the Amazon River using canoes. Note that this is the widest, longest, fastést-flowing and deepest river worldwide, playinh a vital role in balancing the Amazon ecosystem.
Other tourist attractions is Puno Peru by Lake Titicaca. This lake, located more than four thousand meters higs, has the highest altitude worldwid . Small islands within the lake are inhabited by native communities living in harmony with nature.
And what to say about the Nazca lines, lines that can only be appreciated from the air and form what is known as the first American ephemeris.
Wherever you go, the llamas will be more than happy to pose for an unforgettable photo.
Thank you for letting me part of the legend Peru !
You can read part one in the following link //Puedes leer la primera parte en el siguiente link: Peru (Part 1)
Thank you for letting me part of the legend Peru !
You can read part one in the following link //Puedes leer la primera parte en el siguiente link: Peru (Part 1)
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